Fragments colorés


The Artist

Oleksandra Horscroft

I was born in 1967 in Soviet Union, which in general was a surprise to me, because I dreamt of being born a princess and not a "pioneer" (soviet scout). Therefore, my entire childhood was permeated with protest against the banal and boring everyday life. I wanted to become a ballerina, I wrote poems and stories, learned to play the piano, knitted and sewed unusual outfits for myself.

I have always been a creative person, but for some reason I studied at a physics and mathematics high-school, from which I graduated with a gold medal I then graduated from the Riga Technical University with a very romantic specialty: an engineer- builder- technologist of reinforced concrete products and structures. I can’t answer the question of why I chose this specialty . I think I chose the city, not the university, where I could be more free and creative.

To my happiness, a few years after university, Soviet Union collapsed. I was able to start my own business. Very unexpectedly for me, I became the director of an advertising agency. I studied advertising and marketing from books, already working on inner intuition. Our agency was engaged in design and printing and worked until the start of the war on February 24th, 2022.

I am fond of photography and for many years I was tormented by the desire to draw what I see. To convey the emotions I feel through colors and shapes. But I never learned to draw, which I regretted very much. Life developed in such a way that I had to work hard all the time and it was difficult to stop. But one fine day I had to stop for health reasons and for fine motor skills I was advised to draw. I just took paints and a brush and began to draw. My first painting was a flower meadow and it was immediately bought, which was a big surprise for me and gave me optimism. One artist said that in order to learn how to draw roses, you just need to draw roses every day. And I began to draw. I have now been painting for four years.

I moved to live in France and the universe created all the conditions for my favorite pastime. I don't know if I can call myself an Artist, but that's how I feel . I really want to share my work with you and I hope that my paintings will give joy and awaken people's love for nature.

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